New Year’s special!: Transforming a cheap plain planner into a unique one!

Hey there everyone!

First of all I’d like to apologize for losing track of keeping up with my blog. =o I’ve been working really hard at youtube and my day to day job aswell. (Yay, I found a job!) But with the new year that just started, I made it one of my many resolutions. ;)

Speaking of the new year! I’ve decided to make a video on how to turn a plain & cheap planner into a more unique and personalised one. This keeping in mind that not anyone can afford a filofax or expensive planner. There’s nothing more fun than experimenting and trying to be a creative planner on a budget!

The planner I chose was a simple planner from ‘HEMA’, one of my favorite stores. It was around 6 euros, so very inexpensive. Then I decided tot transform it! If you wanna see how I did that, watch the video down below! ;)

I hope you enjoyed watching the video! Maybe it gave you some ideas for planning on a budget too! :3 Thanks for watching and supporting me!

See you!
