Received my first Snailmail !!


Hey there!!

How are you all doing? ;) I am very excited to share with you “my first ever snailmail”! There is just something about checking your post daily and knowing you will be receiving an oldfashioned letter! I was lucky to get to know some people through instagram and blogs to have find some penpals! I even received a little “Happy mail”! To start of with this picture:


So this was the first snailmail! I got this cute “homemade” envelop from Stephanie from South-Korea! I love how she used magazine paper to make it! It looks really unique. Beside the cute letter she wrote me she gave me some Korean tea! I will try that out very soon! She also gave me some Korean coffee. I’m so curious to try Korean products, so I’m very excited! She also gave me “Tiny Cute Stationery”! Just look at that little envelop and letter! Korean goodies really are too cute right?!

If you wanne see more of her snailmail check out her blog here:


Now for the other mail! Here’s a picture of the letter my penpal, “Trisha” sent me! She decorated it so pretty! Love the curly design and colors! She even put a little quote in the middle that says:

The more that you read,
the more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
The more places you’ll go.

-Dr Seuss

It’s such a nice quote! Inside was the letter ofc! Which I had a lot of fun reading! :) Then up to the last of my snailmail!!
You can check out Trisha’s blog here:


This was actually a little happy mail from LimShuang! I met her through Instagram. She’s really the sweetest! She actually asked me to be penpals! I was super happy to get my first “Happy mail”! I absolutely love the stamps on the envelop too! Now, you must be curious what’s inside right? Here it is!


She gave me some of the cutest Washi Tape samples! I especially love the “Japan themed ones”! I mean, look how cute they are! I’ve been seeing them around on instagram a lot lately, and am so happy to own a sample of it now! I might never wanna use it though (The hoarder in me :p ). Aside from the lovely washi tape samples, she also gave me some Adorable stickers! Especially love the glitter elephant ones!

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heck out her Instagram here:

That’s it for this “snailmail update”! Ofc I’ll be working on sending these sweethearts something back! And other blogposts/videos! I’m really excited to have finnaly started my snailmail/happymail adventure! I even sent out my first “Happy mail” this week. I look forward to seeing what she will think about it! Are there any other Snailmailers out there? :D Do you have a lot of penpals?

PS! YOU CAN STILL ENTER MY GIVEAWAY! (yess, this needed caps. :p) Find it here:

Have a great weekend and easter everyone!!


27 thoughts on “Received my first Snailmail !!

  1. How do you get into snailmail I love snail mail type thing always have I be interested in sending snail mail and packages and stuff that would be freaking awesome:)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Well, since it’s my first snailmail, I’m also quite the noob. :D I just kept seeing snailmail pictures on instagram, and it al looked so great. Happy mail too! So I decided to try it out. I stumbled on 2 of my penpals here on the blog, and another thanks to Instagram. ^^ All you have to do is approach someone who does it, or doesn’t! Hope that helps!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I am so excited to read that you finally received my letter! I was so worried that you weren’t going to get it, because I’ve never sent international mail before. I’m glad that you loved the quote, because it has become my favorite after having to read that Dr. Seuss book to my daughter literally like a hundred times per week. Haha. I look forward to your reply, and I will definitely start a section to post when I receive mail so that way others won’t worry either. Happy Writing! :)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thehe yess! It arrived safe and clear! :D I’m sure I’ll salso be nervous about it ;o I also haven’t sent international mail yet! But I’m really excited to finnaly have some pen pals! I will send your letter soon! :D Yess! I really liked the quote! Happy writting to you too! ;)


  3. How fun! I think it’d be fun to be pen pals with you! I get so many little washi tapes and Japan themed stationary from 100 Yen stores I just know you’d love it. Email me and maybe we can set it up (email address is on our About page)!
    >> Sam

    Liked by 1 person

    • OMG YESS *0* 100 yen stores!! I miss them so much! thehe, and you know my taste pretty well. :D I will definitely email you! Thank you so much for wanting to be my pen pal!!


  4. Lovely snail mail Jess! ^.^/♥
    All the envelopes and contents are super cute. The envelopes designs are amazing; loved the idea of making one using magazine paper, amazing! :D
    And once again, thank you so much for being my first penpal friend ^///^ ♥ I can’t wait to receive the happy mail and send yours too *-*
    And, about the last question, I only have 1 official penpal (you~ hehe) but this month I’ll also make a happy mail swap :D
    Have a nice week my friend ♥ :)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Cori! Yesss! I was soo happy with the snailmail I received! :D I also really liked the magazine paper envelop! And you’re very welcome! I’m so excited being your penpal friend! :D Can’t wait to hear what you think about the happy mail I’ve sent you! Havve a nice week too! :D


  5. I found my pen pals the same way, though all of mine I think I found on Instagram. There are also some websites that you can use! the Postal Society is one, though I think it’s best to use that one if you have a P.O Box (which I do not, sadly).
    Snail mail is so much fun though! I’m glad you are enjoying it so far!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I see! Yess! I’m really enjoying myself! :D Can’t wait to send mine and receive more thehe ;3 It’s so much fun to receive mail from different parts of the world!


  6. Hi Jessica. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and liking my posts. So glad u did because now I have discovered your awesome blog. U have inspired me to make ask one of the bloggers that I’ve met on here if they would like to be my pen pal.
    Ari 😊💫

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  7. I think it is very important to keep the art of writing and sending mail alive, it is such a wonderful feeling when you receive a letter through the post. Hope you get many more :) x

    Liked by 1 person

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