Small Stationery haul + 500 followers! :D

Hey there! :D I’m back with a little update! First of all I’d like to thank you all for helping me reach 500 followers on this blog! I never thought I could make it this far! A lot of you have been with me from the very beginning! Thanks for all the support! <3 It means the world to me!

A few days ago I went to a convention with my mother and grandmother called “Country Life” in Ghent. We’d never been there and decided to go and have a look. It was mostly about furniture and decoration, but there was this one cute stationery stand! It was the last year they would be there, as they’re closing up their store! They had some really cute stationery, that I just couldn’t pass by… :p Here are some pictures!

First of all, there was this super cute address book! I just love this kind of vintage look! :D Esecially with the passport & postcard on there! Since I have my own place now, I thought this could come in quite handy. ;)

These, I could NOT ignore! :D I mean look at that cute chubby cheff with his fabulous moustache. How can one pass these by? They’re also super tiny! Honestly I wish I would’ve bought some more! :o

These were the last things I bought at this lovely stand. I thought the memoblock on the left was pretty fun with the “huh?” :D And it just happened to be two for the price of one, so I grabbed the foodie one aswell!

Finding unique stationery like this really makes me very happy. :) I did not expect to find anything at that convention, but was caught by suprise by this cute stand. Too bad they’re closing the store.. well, that concludes this little update! More to come. :D

Bye guys!



The Fallen Angels store HAUL!

Hey everyone! :D how’s everyone doing?
I visited my favorite shop in Ghent again and bought some lovely stationery goodies! Ofc, you all know I love sharing my finds with you guys! In the picture above you can see a picture of the things I got there! Just look at the colors! <3 Here are some closer pictures:
Here shown are some awesome postcards! :D Most of the postcards that I found in the shop were made by the shop owner and her family self, which I think is awesome! I reall love that “Alice in Wonderland card”! Although the one with the animals in space has to be my favorite! Which one do you like the most? ;) Notice that envelope on the left? She actually put the cards in that envelope, so you just get that as an extra! Since I’m a stationery addict, this made me very happy!

These are two notebooks that I also picked up there! I didn’t have any travel themed notebooks, and I just thougth these were awesome! The famous airmail blue and ride stripes is what convinced me though.. :p

Look at these!! I was immediately sold when I saw these! I didn’t have any “letter-themed” Washi tape yet and when I saw these I got so excited! They also have this lovely vintage feel! This washi tape set came in a cute tin seethrough box which just added to its charm!

This was another Washi tape tin box set that I couldn’t ignore! I just love the stationery theme and I couldn’t look away! Well, this concludes everything I bought at my favorite store! If you were to visit Belgium, you should definitely swing by this store in Ghent! I highly recommend it! :3 In the future I will make a spotlight post or video (not sure yet) to show you why I love this store so much!

That’s it for this haul update! :D Bye guys!
